Earlier this week, regulators announced that companies would be allowed to issue preferred shares a hybrid between equity and debt to raise capital. 本周早些时候,监管部门宣布,企业将获准发行优先股来筹资。优先股是介乎股票和债券之间的一种混合资本工具。
Traditionally, banks have preferred to issue debt rather than equity because the government has perversely subsidised leverage. 传统而言,银行青睐于发行债券而非股票,因为政府一直有意对杠杆提供补贴。
Fannie and Freddie shares, preferred stock, subordinated debt and senior debt are widely spread within the global financial system. 房利美及房地美的股票、优先股、次级债和优先债遍布全球金融系统。
The bank will pay7.9% on the preferred stock it issued, yet based on yields for similar debt it could have sold bonds that yielded as much as two percentage points less. 摩根大通将为其发行的优先股支付7.9%的股息,但根据类似债务的收益,它本来可以出售比这一利率低两个百分点的债券。
While equity valuations were looking reasonable, Mr Ablin said, he preferred cash and short-term government debt. 他表示,尽管股票估值看上去合理,但他更青睐现金和短期政府债券。
This FDIC program would take the form of providing insurance for new "senior preferred" debt that one bank would lend to another. 美联储将采取一种形式为银行贷给另一银行的新的高级优先债务提供保险。
Any government loans should be cumulative preferred debt: the taxpayers get paid before any other creditors receive a dime. 所有的政府贷款都应该是累计优先债务:在其他债权人获得任何收益前,纳税人优先得到报酬。
Hybrid securities, like preferred equity, combine elements of debt and equity. 像优先股之类的混合型证券混合了债务和股份的成分。
However, the best way to think of preferred stock is as a financial instrument that has characteristics of both debt ( fixed dividends) and equity ( potential appreciation). 通常在优先股获得股息之后普通股所有者才可享受股息分配。
However, the preferred financing sequence in China is stock financing, floating debt financing, long-term debt financing and internal financing. 由于种种原因,我国的融资顺序表现为股权融资、短期债务融资、长期债务融资和内源融资。
The analysis shows that convertible preferred stock or convertible debt is the best if good output level is twice as high as the original capital. 通过对模型的数量分析发现,如果好的产出水平大于债务重组金额2倍,选择可转债或可转换优先股都是最优的债务重组工具;
The preferred financing sequence of listed companies in China is stock financing, debt financing and internal financing, which is paradox to the western financing theory and practice. 我国上市公司中存在着先股权融资、后债权融资、最后内源性融资这一有悖于西方财务理论与实践的融资顺序。
For its preferred way, it analysis on four areas including support of government, related transaction, debt restructuring, investment income deeply. 针对其偏好的盈余管理方式从利用政府支持、利用关联交易、利用债务重组、利用投资收益四个方面进行深层次阐述。
In the case of capital constraints, domestic listed banks to meet regulatory capital adequacy ratio by issuing shares, convertible bonds, preferred shares, or issue subordinated debt, etc. to enhance the capital. 在资本约束的情况下,国内外上市银行为满足资本充足率这一监管指标,纷纷通过在资本市场增发股票,发行可转债、优先股,或者发行次级债等方式提升资本。